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Image Viewer Pro - Batch Converter

Coolleget 2022-02-12 0 reviews

Image Viewer Pro - Batch Converter is a cool viewer and converter for image files, especially the HEIC.
Printing Viewing and Batch Conversion features are included. It is developed with a modern interface library.
It is free to view images of any format. The formats supported as follow:
heic; svg; svgz; ttf; tiff; tif; tga; svgz; bmp; jpg; jpeg; png; gif;jp2;ppm;nef;svg;arw;crw;bmp2; threefr; threeg2; threegp; a;arw;avs; b; bgr; bgra; bgro; bmp; bmp2; bmp3; c; cal; cals; canvas; caption; cin; clip; cmyk; cmyka; cr2; crw; cur; cut; dcm; dcr; dcx; dds; dfont; dib; dng; dpx; dxt1; dxt5; epdf; epi; eps; epsf; epsi; ept; ept2; ept3; erf; fax; file; fits; fractal; ftp; fts; g; g3; g4; gif; gif87; gradient; gray; graya; group4; hald; hdr; heic; hrz; http; https; icb; ico; icon; iiq; inline; ipl; j2c; j2k; jng; jnx; jp2; jpc; jpe; jpeg; jpg; jpm; jps; jpt; k; k25; kdc; label; m; m2v; mac; map; mask; mat; mef; miff;mng; mono; mpc; mrw; msl; msvg; mtv; mvg; nef; nrw; null; o; orf; otb; otf; pal; palm; pam; pango; pattern; pbm; pcd; pcds; pcl; pct; pcx;pdfa; pef; pes; pfa; pfb; pfm; pgm; pgx; picon; pict; pix; pjpeg; plasma; png; png00; png24; png32; png48; png64; png8; pnm; ppm;ptif; pwp; r; radialgradient; raf; ras; raw; rgb; rgba; rgbo; rgf; rla; rle; rmf; rw2; scr; screenshot; sct; sfw; sgi; six; sixel; sr2;stegano; sun; text; tga; tif; tiff; tiff64; tile; tim; ttc; ttf; txt; uyvy; vda; vicar; vid; viff; vips; vst; wbmp; wpg; x3f; xbm; xc; xcf; xpm; xv; y; ycbcr; ycbcra; yuv;emf; exr; flif; wmf; webp

Use Guides
Using image viewer feature of this app.

1. Click the "Open File" button or drag the file to the dialog.

2. Zoom in or out the image through the following two buttons at bottom.
3. Rotate the image through clicking the rotate button on the bottom.
4. Delete the image through clicking the delete button on the bottom.
5. Print and Save the image as another format.
Note: You should input the saved file name and extension when save the image as another format.

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