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Color Picker Metro

Software Hub 2021-08-02 0 reviews

This is a very useful color picker tool, through which you can choose various colors that you don't know.It was written by CreationFind.
When the app is open, move the mouse pointer to the desired color position, press the ALT + X shortcut key to get the color value, then you will find it in the right list and copy it。

①The function of the first button is to always display the obtained color value at the top of the list, which is more conducive to our intuitive view.
②This button can help us to change the value of the obtained color into another representation so that we can use it in different scenes.
③The Delete button does the same thing we used to do to delete the values of colors in our list that we no longer need.
④Unlike the previous Delete button, the main function of this button is to delete the value of the color we selected, not all the values.
⑤This is a very important button, after clicking you will get more detailed information about our app, such as version information, official website information and so on.
⑥If you want to change the name of the color, and I think you'll use this, it can name the value of the color that you've got whatever you like.

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